Individual Repository for the third trimester of CSP.
Approx. 150 words (for all subparts of 3a combined)
The purpose of this program is to simulate how one would take care of a rat. This project was born out of an interest to take care of pets as I have never had a pet before.
The video demonstrates the user choosing a rat from several options, naming the rat, then interacting with the rat by feeding it, playing with it, and buying toys for it. The stats of the rat are shown after each option, and the game will end if the rat’s health or the user’s money is 0.
The user is able to input the type of rat and the name of the rat. The program will return these values when printing menu options, interacting with the various functions, and when the program prints the status of the rat. In addition, the user is also able to change the hunger and happiness values and the toys of the rat by using the functions listed in the main menu.
Approx. 200 words (for all subparts of 3b combined, exclusive of program code)
# rat dictionary
rat = {"name": "", "type": "", "age": 0, "hunger": 0, "health": 50, "happiness": 50, "toys": []}
do later
# prompts user for different rats
def initSim():
# type of rat
ratType = ""
ratOptions = list(ratToys.keys())
while ratType not in ratOptions:
print("Welcome to Randy's rat store! We have lots of rats here: ")
for option in ratOptions:
ratType = input("Which one would you like?")
# add rat type to rat dictionary
rat["type"] = ratType
# name the rat
rat["name"] = input("What would you like to name your " + rat["type"] + "?")
# feed the rat
def feedRat():
# define money as a global variable so it can be used within functions
global money
if rat["hunger"] <= 0:
print("Your rat is already full! Returning to menu")
choice = input(
"Would you like to spend 15 dollars to feed your rat? You have " + str(money) + " dollars. (y/n) ")
# define money as a global variable so that it can be used inside functions
if choice == "yes" or "y":
money -= 15
rat["hunger"] -= 30
print("Fed your rat! Hunger has decreased by 30. ")
print("Returning to menu")
# purchase new toys
def buyToys():
# define money as a global variable (again)
global money
print("Your " + rat["type"] + " " + rat["name"] + " deserves a treat for putting up with you! Let's get a new toy!")
print("Here we have some toys that our researchers have chosen specifically for your breed of rat.")
# ask users if they wish to continue
moneyChoice = input("By the way, toys cost 100 dollars each. Do you still want to buy one? (y/n)")
if moneyChoice.lower() == "n":
print("Goodbye. ")
# if moneyChoice == "yes" or "y" or "Y":
print("Alright, here are your choices: ")
toyOption = ratToys[rat["type"]]
# user choice
toyNum = -1
# ask user for toy choice
while toyNum < 0 or toyNum > len(toyOption) - 1:
for i in range(len(toyOption)):
print(str(i) + ": " + toyOption[i])
toyNum = int(input("Please select the number of the toy you would like: "))
# add chosen toy to rat toys
chosenToy = toyOption[toyNum]
money -= 100
print("Good choice. I think " + rat["name"] + " will enjoy playing with the " + chosenToy)
playChoice = input("Would you like to play with the toy now? (y/n) ")
if playChoice == "y" or "Y" or "yes" or "Yes":
print("Goodbye. ")
# else:
# print("Goodbye cheapskate.")
The name of the collection type is “rat”. This is a dictionary.
The data contained in the list represents the values of the object that the user must interact with to play. It includes values that the user must maintain by interacting with the functions provided.
The dictionary shown in the code segment is the most important collection type in my program as all other functions in my program revolves around interacting with these values. Without this list, I would have to create several variables and call them differently. For example, for the rat’s name, I would have to create a variable the defines it as the input of the user, then I would have to define it as a global variable in every function that I used it in.
Approx. 200 words (for all subparts of 3c combined, exclusive of program code)
def playToy(toy):
if toy.lower() == "hammock" or "rawhide" or "apple stick" or "dollhouse":
print("Let's play with your rat! ")
rps_list = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
rat_choice = rand.choice(rps_list)
rpsChoice = ""
while rpsChoice not in rps_list:
rpsChoice = input("Choose rock, paper, or scissors: ").lower()
print("You chose " + rpsChoice + ", " + rat["name"] + " chose " + rat_choice)
if rpsChoice == rat_choice:
print("You both selected " + rpsChoice + ". It's a tie!")
elif rpsChoice == "rock":
if rat_choice == "scissors":
print("Rock smashes scissors! You win!")
print("Paper covers rock! You lose.")
elif rpsChoice == "paper":
if rat_choice == "rock":
print("Paper covers rock! You win!")
print("Scissors cuts paper! You lose.")
elif rpsChoice == "scissors":
if rat_choice == "paper":
print("Scissors cuts paper! You win!")
print("Rock smashes scissors! You lose.")
elif toy.lower() == "cardboard tube" or "string" or "exercise wheel" or "empty gatorade bottle":
print("Your rat feels like exercising. Let's play a game while we wait! ")
randomnum = rand.randint(1, 100)
print("Guess a number between 1 and 100")
while True:
guess = int(input())
if guess < randomnum:
print("Too low")
elif guess > randomnum:
print("Too high")
print("That's right!")
print("Your rat wants to go on an adventure: ")
place = input("Enter a place: ")
noun = input("Enter a plural noun: ")
food = input("Enter a food: ")
verb = input("Enter a verb ending in 'ing': ")
print("One day, " + rat[
"name"] + " ventured off to " + place + " to search for some " + noun + ". However, after " + verb + " for so long, " +
rat["name"] + " became tired and started eating some " + food)
# play with toys
def play():
if len(rat["toys"]) == 0:
buyChoice = input("You have no toys. Would you like to buy some? (y/n) ")
if buyChoice == "y" or "yes" or "Y" or "Yes":
print("Seeya later.")
print("Here are the toys you have: ")
toyChoice = ""
while toyChoice not in rat["toys"]:
for toy in rat["toys"]:
toyChoice = input("Which toy would you like to play with? ")
rat["happiness"] += 30
print(rat["name"] + " had a great time playing with the " + toyChoice + "! Increased happiness by 30.")
The identified procedure allows the user to play minigames depending on what toy they choose to use. This allows for more engagement with the game and makes it more “fun.” The “sequencing” is the order in which each line is executed so that the program is sensible and usable, the “selection” is the program that is played based on user choice, and the “iteration” is the while loop that plays until the user makes a choice.
First, the procedure asks the user to choose a toy to play with. Depending on what rat the user initially chose, they will have different options. However, each type has three unique toys that allow for different minigames to be played. The first ‘if’ statement prompts the user to guess a number. The second conditional, the ‘elif’ statement allows the user to play rock, paper, scissors. The final conditional allows the user to play a Madlibs game and create their own story.
Approx. 200 words (for all subparts of 3d combined)
# play with toys
def play():
if len(rat["toys"]) == 0:
buyChoice = input("You have no toys. Would you like to buy some? (y/n) ")
if buyChoice == "y" or "yes" or "Y" or "Yes":
print("Seeya later.")
print("Here are the toys you have: ")
toyChoice = ""
while toyChoice not in rat["toys"]:
for toy in rat["toys"]:
toyChoice = input("Which toy would you like to play with? ")
rat["happiness"] += 30
print(rat["name"] + " had a great time playing with the " + toyChoice + "! Increased happiness by 30.")
# purchase new toys
def buyToys():
# define money as a global variable (again)
global money
print("Your " + rat["type"] + " " + rat["name"] + " deserves a treat for putting up with you! Let's get a new toy!")
print("Here we have some toys that our researchers have chosen specifically for your breed of rat.")
# ask users if they wish to continue
moneyChoice = input("By the way, toys cost 100 dollars each. Do you still want to buy one? (y/n)")
if moneyChoice.lower() == "n":
print("Goodbye. ")
# if moneyChoice == "yes" or "y" or "Y":
print("Alright, here are your choices: ")
toyOption = ratToys[rat["type"]]
# user choice
toyNum = -1
# ask user for toy choice
while toyNum < 0 or toyNum > len(toyOption) - 1:
for i in range(len(toyOption)):
print(str(i) + ": " + toyOption[i])
toyNum = int(input("Please select the number of the toy you would like: "))
# add chosen toy to rat toys
chosenToy = toyOption[toyNum]
money -= 100
print("Good choice. I think " + rat["name"] + " will enjoy playing with the " + chosenToy)
playChoice = input("Would you like to play with the toy now? (y/n) ")
if playChoice == "y" or "Y" or "yes" or "Yes":
print("Goodbye. ")
# else:
# print("Goodbye cheapskate.")
The first call occurs when the user chooses the menu option to play with their rat. Upon choosing what toy to play with, the playToy function uses that input in order to pass it through the procedure.
The second call occurs after a user has bought a toy for their rat to play with. After buying the toy, the user is prompted as to whether or not they would like to play with it. If the user answers “yes”, then the playToy function will pass the toy they just bought into the procedure.
The minigame that is shown is dependent on what the user selected when choosing a toy to play with. For example, if they have a brown rat and chose to play with a cardboard tube, then the minigame that appears will be a guess the number game.
The playToy function shows a different minigame depending on what toy the user bought. For example, if they have a blue rat and chose to play with the dollhouse, then the user will be prompted to play a game of rock, paper, scissors.